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Meeting Minutes – September 11, 2008

Host: Carmel Fire  

Meeting called to order at 10:11 by President Dave Cruz

I.          Roll Call:

Members Present:


David Sargenti                      Salinas Rural FPD
Doug McCoun                       North County FPD
Humberto Arista                    North County FPD
Dave Cruz                              Monterey Airport Fire
Deano Lindsey                      Carmel Valley Fire
John Owens                           Cal Fire
Dan Gearhart                         Seaside Fire
Stewart Roth                          Monterey Fire
Natalie Rodda                       Monterey Peninsula College
Miles Schuler                         Carmel Valley Fire

II.         Approval of Minutes:

Review of the minutes from the meeting of August 14, 2008 hosted by Monterey Airport Fire and recorded by Doug McCoun.  Motion to approve by Dan Gearhart  and 2nd by Stewart Roth.  Motion passed.

III.        Treasurer’s Report:

The monthly Treasurer’s Report was presented by Dan Gearhart on behalf of the bookkeeper Kathryn Pernet. 

Checking Account Balance as of 07-31-08:                                              29, 462.98


08-05-08          Red Shift Internet Services                                                         20.95

08-20-08          U.S. Postmaster – Postage                                                         21.00

08-21-08          Salinas Rural Fire District – WFS Conference Calls            144.73

08-26-08          24-7 EMS – 2009 annual DVD subscription                          899.00

                                                            Total Expenses:                                 1,085.68



Total Income:                                           0.00

Checking Account Balance as of 08-31-08:                                              28,377.30        

Certificate of Deposit as of 07-12-08:                                                         6,900.38

                                                            Total Assets as of 08-31-08:           35,277.68

Special Note

Deposited on 09-03-08:

WFS Registrations and Fuel Reimbursements:           15,592.75

Auto Extrication (check replacement)                              49.00

MPC Training Hours                                                15,168.00

S244 Class Registrations                                                737.50

                                                                     Total:     31,547.25                    

Motion by Sargenti and 2nd by Stewart Roth to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented, motion passed.

IV.       Correspondence:

1.         Flyer presented from the Chiefs association.

            Howard Cross, Leadership the seductive lie.

2.         Natalie Rodda reported that the Leadership Seminar conflicts with the Ground Breaking ceremony scheduled for the new fire training facility.

V.        Committee Reports:

A.        ICS:     John Trenner was not at the meeting.  It was reported that Rich Foster was looking for somebody to come down and teach ICS 200 thru 400.  John Owens reported that a S-290 class will be offered March 30 to April 3 in Hollister.   

            County Chiefs are going to take Cal Fires 4039 standard and the NWCG 310-1 and use what ever standard is the most stringent. More to follow. 

            The training officers goal this year is to put on the following classes:

            S-290; S-231; S-212; S-215 and S-390

B.        Wildland Committee:  Sargenti reported that the Wildland school staff had a final debrief and he was in the process of closing out the books.  He was waiting for a check from San Mateo/Santa Cruz.  He will present the final numbers at the October meeting.  The preliminary numbers indicate that the school will be $14,000.00 in the black.   Sargenti indicated that next year he may start working with the San Luis Wildland School and see if we can start working together.  Planning meetings to start in November.

C.        Fire Library:    Work in progress. Had a purging on  Monday 8-18-08 at Salinas Rural Admin Office.  Videos that were removed from service were left for JT.  A large number of videos have not been checked out.

            D.        Programs: 

                        Auto X:           No Report

                        Steward Roth presented a proposal to host the Charlston Report.  The proposal is to host two 3 hour programs at
                        the Maritime Museum.  He is asking for $2,500.00 of which $1,000.00 goes  towards the Charlston Fire fighters. 
                        Motion by Stewart Roth and  2nd by Sargenti.  Motion passed.                        

            E.        Website:  Work in progress, McCoun and Gearhart has a meeting with Red Shift at 14:00. More to follow.

            F.         State Fire Academy/MPC: The ground breaking will be on October 9th 2008.  They will be moving into the new building
                        in  June.  A site visit is scheduled for December 11.  MPC has asked  Natalie to sit on a James Bliss committee.
                        The committee gives out scholarships.  They are having a fund raiser at the Carmel Valley Community Center on
                        October 18th. They will include a barbecue and silent auction.

VI.       Old Business:

                        Discussion concerning the motivational speaker for the Chiefs retreat.  If the expected amount of seats are sold we
                        may have to pay half of $725.00

VII.      New Business:

VIII.     Good of the Order:

Monterey Airport Fire will host a class put on by the Department of the Army.  The class will be the 28th, 29th and 30th of September at Monterey Airport Fire. Attendance is free.

A S-234 class may be taught by a teaching cadre at the wildland fire school.

A motion was made that the next meeting is to be held at 09:00 at the MPC Fire Training Facility to allow members to attend the ground breaking ceremony.  Motion passed.

IX.       Adjournment:

1.         Meeting adjourned at 11:20

Next Meeting:            October 9th, 2008

                                    MPC Fire Training Center

                                    Natalie Rodda, 646-4240

                                    1000 Training Officers

Minutes prepared by:      Doug McCoun

            September 18, 2008