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Meeting Minutes – August 14, 2008

Host: Monterey Airport Fire        

Meeting called to order at 10:15 by President Dave Cruz

I.          Roll Call:

Members Present:

David Sargenti                      Salinas Rural FPD
Doug McCoun                       North County FPD
Humberto Arista                    North County FPD
Mike Meddles                        Soledad Fire
Dave Cruz                              Monterey Airport Fire
Deano Lindsy                        Carmel Valley Fire
Brad Hinckley                        Marina Fire
Rick Williams                         Salinas Fire
Robert Klemek                      Monterey Airport Fire

II.         Approval of Minutes:

Review of the minutes from the meeting of June 12, 2008 hosted by Soledad Fire and recorded by Doug McCoun.  Motion to approve  by Sargenti and 2nd by Arista.  Motion passed.

III.        Treasurer’s Report:

The monthly Treasurer’s Report was presented by Doug McCoun on behalf of the bookkeeper Kathryn Pernet. 

Beginning Checking Account Balance as of 6-30-08:                              -5,140.26


07-02-08          Redshift Internet Services                                                           20.95

7-29-08            D&M Lowbed Service (Wildland Kitchen)                          2,494.30

                                    Total Expenses:                                                     $2,515.25


07-03-08          Quinn Rental Services Refund                                                368.49

07-03-08          Wildland Fire School Registration                                      3,6750.00

                                                            Total Income:                               $37,118.49

Checking Account Balance as of 07-31-08:                                                29,462.98   

Certificate of Deposit as of 07-12-08:                                                            6,900.38

                                                            Total Assets as of 07-31-08:          36,363.36               

Treasurer’s Report was approved as presented.

IV.       Correspondence:

1.         No Report

V.        Committee Reports:

A.        ICS:     No Report

B.        Wildland Committee:  The Wildland school is having a debrief of the Command and General Staff on 8/20/08 and on 8/26/08 will have a debrief of the rest of the officers.  The school is in the black and should have a full report at the next meeting.  The proposed dates for next years school is June 4,5,6, & 7th.

C.        Fire Library:    Work still in progress, will have a purging at 9:00 on Monday 8-18-08 at Salinas Rural Admin Office.

            D.        Programs: 

                        Auto X:           No Report                        

            E.        Website:         Work in progress, should have an estimate for the next meeting.

            F.         State Fire Academy/MPC:              No report

 VI.       Old Business:

            Discussion concerning sponsoring a motivational speaker for the Chiefs retreat.  Motion by Dave Cruz and 2nd by Arista to
            Pay $3,000.00 as a Co- sponsor for Howard Cross based on the correspondence received from Chief Orman.  Motion passed

VII.      New Business:

VIII.     Good of the Order:

            None to report

IX.       Adjournment:

1.         Meeting adjourned at 11:30

Next Meeting:            September 11, 2008
                                    Carmel Fire
                                    Contact: J. Trenner 620-2030
                                    1000 Training Officers

Minutes prepared by:      Doug McCoun

            June 17, 2008